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REMEMBER: Failure to follow gas safety requirements is a criminal offence!
It is a Landlord's responsibility to ensure that any properties they rent out complies with the current legislation.
At SJL Heating and Plumbing, we dedicate ourselves to keeping up-to-date with all regulations and ensuring that these are passed on to our landlords.
Our Landlords and letting agents are an important part of our business and so we want to ensure that we can deliver a reliable and efficient service at all times.
An appliance cannot be deemed as having been checked until all of the above has been completed.
For a completed Landlord's Safety Record a tightness test of the full system is added to the above.
When a tenant vacates a property, the Landlord must ensure that the gas appliances and fittings are safe before re-listing the property.
It can be very beneficial for Landlords to keep a copy of their certificate for confirmation that the test has been done and completed.
An annual safety check is not sufficient to provide effective maintenance of appliances and it is therefor recommended that appliances are serviced at the same time.
We offer a discounted rate for this!
As we have a data base full of all of our customers details and job histories, we are able to remind Landlord's on an annual basis when their check is due.
We can also make arrangements with tenants directly which can save you time and unnecessary stress!
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